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This documentation provides an overview of the recommended settings for the aimbot feature in the game.

Aim Key

The aim key is a customizable key binding that activates the aimbot when pressed. To set the aim key, click on the "Aim Key" button and press the desired key. You can also reset or unbind the aim key.

Aimbot Mode

There are three aimbot modes available:

  • Off: Disables the aimbot feature.
  • Smooth: Provides a smoother aiming experience, making it harder for other players to detect that an aimbot is being used.
  • Silent: Aims and shoots at enemies without any visible movement of the player's crosshair.

To change the aimbot mode, choose from the dropdown menu labeled "Aimbot".

FOV Check

This setting checks if enemies are within the player's field of view (FOV) before the aimbot locks onto them. To enable or disable FOV check, toggle the switch labeled "FOV Check".

FOV Radius

The FOV radius setting controls the size of the aimbot's field of view. Use the slider labeled "FOV Radius" to adjust the radius value between 0 and 500.

Target on Aim Key

When enabled, the aimbot selects a target upon pressing the aim key and won't lock onto a new target until the aim key is pressed again. To enable or disable this setting, toggle the switch labeled "Target on Aim Key".

Show FOV

This setting visualizes the player's FOV on the screen. To enable or disable the visualization, toggle the switch labeled "Show FOV".

Smooth Factor

The smooth factor controls the speed of the aimbot's rotation. Use the slider labeled "Smooth Factor" to adjust the value between 0 and 1, with 0 being instant rotation and 1 being the slowest.


When enabled, the aimbot will attempt to shoot enemies through walls or other obstacles. To enable or disable wallbangs, toggle the switch labeled "Wallbangs".


The hitbox setting determines which part of an enemy's body the aimbot targets:

  • Head: Targets the enemy's head for maximum damage.
  • Chest: Targets the enemy's chest for a larger target area.

To change the hitbox setting, choose from the dropdown menu labeled "Hitbox".


When enabled, the player's character will automatically aim and fire at enemies within the aimbot's field of view, acting as a turret. To enable or disable this setting, toggle the switch labeled "Turret".